Sunday, June 28, 2009


lately im just fell so bad n sumtimes bub called me weird or freak?!! demm..
n is our 11 month together..i just called my mum td n wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAK!!..n she said im d first caller from others wich is i had 8 im so xcited..yesterday we having picnic at kemensah AGAIN!!..hoho..n we repeat bowling wich is we decide to replace dr tgk TRANSFORMERS 2..ticket sold out..sial..da que pjg kowt..n then we all having late nite dinna kt bangsar..dis few week ak jrg balik dsara..sian mak..xde org tolong niaga..tape2..mak kate ok..dikda ade..erm..mak ske kalo ak der sbb ak bungkus nasik lemak pantas..heh..mak,im just wana thanks u a lot coz gv me back ur TRUST towards..hurm..actly mak da x caye kan ak dlu coz ak stop KLIUC tgh2 jalan..mak abah na ak jd engineer wich is ak ta minat..then almost 2 years ak keje mak ckp.

mak n mewarisi paras abah..kulit golap..

kakteh,mak ngn abah nak kakteh smbung study sbb kakteh kan harapan keluarga..then ak ckp ngan mak..ok mak but dis time,please let me choose wat field yg kakteh nak..then mak ak mek broadcasting..then mak n abah cam takut sbb abah tny..boleh makan ke keje TV??n then by the time ak mintak duit,kak nome bising..then ak sedih la kan..patu2 i prove them wrong..every sem pointer ak x pena make them frustrated..they proud of me terutame abah..
sbb ak anak manje abah manje pon kene sebat gak taw..hurm..skang da sem 5 da ak..
tinggal setahun na bis..

ak na further ke AUSTRALIA..mak n abah so happy but i know kalo ak g jao2 mst dorg riso sbb dekat2 ngn dorang pown ak sakit..erm..kwn2 tau sy sakit pe..entah la..bub pon berat hati kalo ak jauh ngn die..ak tau die bg tp cume die riso ak jao2..b cepat crik dwet..kawin maw??haha..

dzulhaili hafizie razali

mak abah..thanks sbb bg pluang untuk anakmu buktikan yg anakmu boleh..thanks being such a parent..iloveumak..iloveuabah..

p/s: bub..happy anniversary..11 month..thanks..ilysfm..

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